The main aim of LIFE GoProForMED is to enhance the conservation status of 4 target forest habitats within the Mediterranean Biogeographical Region. This will be achieved through the application of close-to-nature management models in 4 representative countries in the Mediterranean area (Spain, France, Italy and Greece).
In the Mediterranean Biogeographical Region:
- forest habitats face threats from both the climate crisis and certain management practices which hinder their conservation;
- there is a lack of clear and shared transnational strategies for conserving forest habitats, including a common system for identifying, classifying, and assessing their conservation status.
Thus, the specific objectives of the project are:
- establish a transnational conservation strategy for target forest habitats, considering primary risks associated with forest fires;
- define management and conservation models for the 4 target habitats and implement them extensively in terms of area and distribution, including demonstrative implementations;
- Promote the adoption of target habitat management and conservation models among key forest management stakeholders through training activities and supportive management tools.
Spread knowledge about Natura 2000 network and forest management close to nature to the target public of the sector.
Target forest habitats
9330 - Quercus suber forests
9340 - Quercus ilex and Quercus rotundifolia forests
9260 - Castanea sativa woods
9530* - (Sub-)Mediterranean pine forests
These forest habitats have been chosen as targets for the project because they are representative of the Mediterranean biogeographical area in terms of surface area, but also because it is particularly sensitive to inappropriate management that can accentuate the regressive effects, threatening its conservation status.
Core of the project
Models of conservation and forest management represent the “core” of the GoProForMED project, and they will be realized for 4 target habitats of Mediterranean Biogeographical Region. Indeed, all actions contribute to the definition of these models.
Verde: Action completed
Giallo: Action in progress
Rosso: Action not yet started
Linea rossa: Current moment

D.R.E.AM. Italia Società cooperativa agricolo forestale (DREAM)

Mouseio Goulandri Fysikis Istorias (MGFI(GNHM))

Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya (CTFC)

Centre National de la Propriété Forestière (CNPF)

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)

Agenzia Forestale Regionale per lo Sviluppo del Territorio e dell’Ambiente della Sardegna (FORESTAS)

Università degli Studi di Torino (UNITO)

Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza (UNISAP)

Compagnia delle Foreste S.r.l. (CDF)

Centre de la Propietat Forestal (CPF)

Departament d'Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural (DACC)

Greek Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINEE)
The LIFE Programme is the instrument by which the European Union, since 1992, supports the development and implementation of common environmental policies and laws, through the co-financing of projects submitted by public and private bodies of the Member States.
For the period 2021-2027, the LIFE Programme has more than 5.4 billion Euros for the achievement of the objectives of environmental and climate legislation and policies and energy. In particular, the LIFE Programme will play a crucial role in supporting the achievement of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, del New Circular Economy Action Plan for a cleaner and more competitive Europe, della new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change e della strategia “A Renovation Wave for Europe - greening our buildings, creating jobs, improving lives” (transition to an energy efficient economy).
The new LIFE 2021-2027 programme is divided into the following four sub-programmes:
- Nature and Biodiversity - NAT
- Circular economy and quality of life - ENV
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation - CCM e CCA
- Clean Energy Transition - CET
To discover more about LIFE Program, download materials and modules, check the deadline of the last call and explore the LIFE projects database please visit the dedicated website hosted by the European Commission - Environment.
Natura 2000 Network is the main European tool for biodiversity conservation, an extensive ecological network composed by terrestrial and marine areas diffused over the whole EU territory. It was developed from early ‘90 becoming today the most extensive system of protected areas of the world.
The network was formed following the “Habitat” and “Birds” European directive aimed at the conservation of the European most important animal and plant species and the habitats where they lived. It is based on the idea of coexisting and balancing between nature conservation, human activities and sustainable management of the resources (sustainable agriculture, silviculture and fishing).
The network is managed through conservation measures for biodiversity protection and funded by specific financial tools, such as LIFE projects and other more related, to reward sustainable economic choices in agriculture, tourism and mobility.
The Natura 2000 network in Europe:
- 27 countries involved;
- 19% or the terrestrial area and 9% of the marine area protected;
- composed by 27.027 sites;
- protects over 540 bird species, around 1.390 animals and plants and 233 habitat types.
To discover more about the network please visit the official website here.